only in New York...
After stalking Eileen in the Duane Reade on the corner of 9th Ave and 49th St., James luckily ran into her again only a few blocks away. After thinking about what he would have said in the Duane Reade (had he had the cojones to say something) he found himself well prepared for this chance encounter. Despite his preparation he still managed to be shy and awkward, which actually worked to his advantage. After complimenting Eileen's beautiful eyes and making fun of the toilet bowl cleaner he had just purchased at Duane Reade, Eileen agreed to give him a chance. After first date surprises including to-go wine for the walk to the restaurant and post-dinner ice skating their fate was sealed!
aaaaaaa, I love this story!
And it just gets better and better from there. Love...true love.
A Happy Day. The story begins.
That’s cool! After your first date how long was it until you farted around each other? I corked it for only a few months until I was certain Katie was the one, and then I unleashed the fury…
Eric, James has been the ultimate gentleman... If only he could rid our apartment of this barking spider infestation we have!
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